2970 participants

The whole of Tyrol can be proud of the Gauder parade

05.05.2024 17:36

Grand finale at the Gauder Festival: the parade with 2970 participants made the hearts of the spectators beat faster on Sunday. The whole range of local traditions at a glance . . .

At this sight, even the "hangovers" from the previous day disappeared from people's minds as if by magic: thousands of spectators stood tightly packed in the center of Zell as the big Gauder parade set off at noon.

D'Reitherkogler provided the dancing prelude to the start of the procession. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
D'Reitherkogler provided the dancing prelude to the start of the procession.

From the hop wagon to the "ancient music band"
The highlights? It would be inappropriate to single out any of them, as all 98 formations had their charm: the historic stagecoach with the Zell am Ziller church choir "in its luggage", the traditional costume bearers from Vorarlberg with their black hats, the hop wagon of the local brewery, the Vorderthiersee music band founded in 1799 (!) or their music comrades from Neustift near Brixen, whose average age of 24 years showed: all this has a future, it goes on!

The Tiroler Kaiserjägermusik marched in front. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
The Tiroler Kaiserjägermusik marched in front.

Regular guests for 47 years with the "panoramic view"
Every year is a new experience," beamed the group of eight Swiss ladies, some of whom have been coming to the Gauder Fest every year for 47 years (!). And, as the women say, they have had rooms in the Hotel Bräu with a panoramic view of the parade "since time immemorial".

Beer king Gambrinus enthroned on a barrel. (Bild: Birbaumer Christof)
Beer king Gambrinus enthroned on a barrel.

40th Gauder Fest for the mayor
In the marquee, the participants were treated to some well-earned refreshments and Mayor Robert Pramstrahler breathed a sigh of relief after his 40th Gauder Fest (in the early days as a TVB employee). "Because despite all the precautions, something can always happen," says the village chief.

The whole valley benefits
"The event is likely to have brought around 10,000 overnight stays back to the valley," believes TVB chairman Ferdinand Lechner. 50,000 liters of Gauder beer were brewed, there shouldn't be much left over . . .

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