The coaching question ...

Even Guardiola talks about Bayner’s coaching search

04.05.2024 06:51

Former Bayern coach Pep Guardiola believes the coaching search at his former club will come to a quick and successful end. "I think it's only a matter of time and they will certainly choose the right one," said the 53-year-old on TV channel Sky. Postscript: He "loves the club very much."

Following the rejections of ÖFB team boss Ralf Rangnick, Julian Nagelsmann and Xabi Alonso, the German record champions are continuing their search for a successor to coach Thomas Tuchel, who will leave the club in the summer.

"It's also about how they want to play and which players they have available," said Guardiola, referring to his former club. Many coaches feel very comfortable at their current clubs. "But Bayern have the right resources and people in their ranks. They have a capable board who will find the best possible solution."

(Bild: APA/AFP/Ben Stansall, Photoshop)

"Love the club very much"
Guardiola coached Munich from 2013 to 2016 and won the league three times and the cup twice with the club. He wishes FC Bayern a good solution for the vacant coaching position, "because I love the club so much", said Guardiola. The Spaniard has been coaching Manchester City in the English Premier League since 2016.

Is he coming himself?
Guardiola did not comment on rumors and speculation that he himself could leave last year's treble winners this summer and possibly return to Munich as coach.

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