Motorcyclist injured

Massive traffic jam after accident in roadworks area

19.04.2024 20:52

The roadworks area on the Inntal freeway between Völs and Kranebitten is currently a traffic hotspot, and not a harmless one, as it turned out on Friday. A motorcyclist crashed into a car in front of him and crashed, along with the woman on the pillion.

At around 1.40 p.m. on Friday, a 30-year-old Austrian was driving his car eastbound on the Inntalautobahn (A-12) in the municipality of Völs. Behind his car, a 36-year-old Kuwaiti national was driving his motorcycle with his 28-year-old companion (also from Kuwait) on the pillion.

Motorcyclist crashed into car
In the area of the highway construction site, the car driver had to brake for traffic reasons, which the motorcyclist following behind noticed too late and consequently hit the car. This caused the motorcyclist to fall and injure himself to an indeterminate degree. The woman riding pillion and the driver of the car were uninjured.

The injured motorcyclist was taken to Innsbruck University Hospital by ambulance after receiving first aid at the scene of the accident. Due to the accident in the roadworks area, only one lane was passable, resulting in a considerable traffic jam.

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