After the Iran attack

Tanner underlines the importance of Sky Shield

15.04.2024 16:32

Defence Minister Klaudia Tanner takes the recent escalation in the Middle East as an opportunity to point out the rapid expansion of European air defense. "We have capabilities in the area of air defense, but not to the extent that we would be able to defend against 99 percent at the present time. It would only be a fraction," Tanner told journalists in Vienna on Monday.

In this context, the ÖVP politician took aim at the FPÖ and showed a lack of understanding for the Blue Party's criticism of Austria's participation in the European missile defense system Sky Shield. Referring to FPÖ leader Herbert Kickl, whose name she deliberately did not want to mention, Tanner said: "I don't understand why (...) someone on the right can have anything against protecting Austrians against threats from the air. After this weekend and the images we have been seeing from Ukraine for a long time, I don't understand."

Although the Iranian missiles and drones did not reach their targets, with a few exceptions, the mullahs are celebrating a symbolic success. (Bild: APA/AFP/ATTA KENARE)
Although the Iranian missiles and drones did not reach their targets, with a few exceptions, the mullahs are celebrating a symbolic success.

Equal protection for "Amstetten and Zurich"
There is "no question that we need to strengthen our air defense capability", said the Minister, stressing the need to participate in the initiative. This provides for procurement cooperation and builds "three layers of protection" over Austria and the participating countries so that "the one in Amstetten is just as protected as the one in Zurich". The system is faster, more efficient, more cost-effective and also interoperable, the Minister listed the advantages of the cooperation.

(Bild:, Krone KREATIV)

Tanner pointed out that it was not just about direct attacks, but also incidents such as the one involving a misdirected drone from the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine that landed in Zagreb, or threats in the aviation sector. The loss of radio contact with a Turkish passenger plane, which was in Austrian airspace for twelve minutes last week, is just one of 50 to 60 incidents of this kind every year.

Tanner urges prudence in the Middle East
In view of the Israeli war cabinet's deliberations on how the country should react to Iran's unprecedented attack, Tanner appealed to both sides to react calmly. As a neutral country in particular, it was important to focus on the suffering of the people, especially the civilian population on both sides.
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