Second division team Stripfing

Admission denied! “Will lodge an appeal”

12.04.2024 17:00

Stripfing was denied admission to the second division. While the team from Marchfeld appealed the decision, Horn, Amstetten, Admira and St. Pölten were given the green light. Eastern league team Krems failed to "feel their way through".

What an unpredictable surprise. Stripfing were - as expected - denied admission to the second division in the first instance. The reason? Logically, the lack of infrastructure. The team from Marchfeld were unable to document any construction progress on their own facility when the application was submitted and started adapting the stadium far too late.
"Are naturally disappointed"
In order to be able to move to the Generali-Arena, the club's headquarters were recently relocated to Deutsch Wagram without further ado. Which obviously left Senate 5 shaking their heads. "We are naturally disappointed. In our opinion, we met all the necessary criteria for admission," said chairman Christoph Pelczar, curiously surprised.

Stripfing chairman Christoph Pelczar (Bild: urbantschitsch mario)
Stripfing chairman Christoph Pelczar

"We will lodge an objection," says the Stripfing groundhog. Only last year, the club had to sit in detention due to problems in the youth ranks and the "Pickerl" was only granted by the neutral arbitration court. The Weinviertel club has until April 22 to lodge a protest.
"Talks with a strong partner"
While Horn, Amstetten, Admira and St. Pölten were given the green light, Eastern League side Krems was also turned down. KSC has too many youth teams and still needs a stadium permit from the city. In addition, the necessary small change for league two is missing. "It was just a first tentative step for us anyway," says manager Georg Stierschneider. "We're in talks with a strong partner, and in one to two months we'll know where the journey will take us."

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