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Start spring fit and vital

08.04.2024 05:20

The first warm rays of sunshine tickle your nose, nature awakens to new life - spring invites you to enjoy and reinvent yourself. In this time of renewal, Höllinger and Pure Encapsulations® ensure that you can experience not only nature, but also your personal well-being with all your senses. Together with the "Krone", Höllinger and Pure Encapsulations® are giving away 3x1 spring package for your health.

The arrival of spring also brings new challenges for our bodies. The often fluctuating temperatures and the famous spring fatigue make it important to pay special attention to our organism. A balanced diet, sufficient exercise, proper sleep hygiene and the support of valuable micronutrients and vitamins are essential for staying energetic and healthy through this lively season.

A fit and vital start to spring
To prepare you optimally for the spring season, Höllinger and Pure Encapsulations® have put together a special spring package that is specially designed to revitalize your body and mind. The package includes the All-in-One Multivitamin from Pure Encapsulations®, which provides a comprehensive basic supply of twelve vitamins, eight minerals, trace elements as well as coenzyme Q10, lutein and polyphenols from grape seed extract. This combination supports your body in stressful everyday life and helps to maintain performance and vitality.

(Bild: Pure Encapsulations®, Höllinger, adobe stock – Art Stocker)

The package is complemented by Höllinger's refreshing apple and blackcurrant juice, which not only offers a taste explosion with its subtle tart berry note and natural vitamin C from currants and aronia berries, but is also ideal for supporting a healthy routine in spring. Together, they form the perfect duo to start the new season full of energy and wellbeing.

Take part and win
You now have the chance to win one of three spring packs from Höllinger and Pure Encapsulations®! In addition to the All-in-One Vitamin Boost from Pure Encapsulations® and the Höllinger apple and blackcurrant juice, this spring package also contains a floral surprise for you. Simply fill out the form below and with a little luck you'll be one of the lucky winners!

Want to increase your chances of winning? Then subscribe to the "Krone" healthy newsletter and not only receive the latest information on health and medicine every week, but also double your chance of winning. The closing date for entries is April 15, 09:00. Further information and the conditions of participation can be found here.

The competition has ended. Thank you for your participation.

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