Wanted to go home soon

Brothel massacre: “Already had a ticket to Kabul”

12.03.2024 06:00

Ebadullah A. was allowed to sleep on the floor of a friend's apartment in Vienna-Brigittenau for several weeks. "He was just waiting with me for his departure day," says his flatmate. As the "Krone" found out, A. was already in possession of a flight ticket. But shortly before his departure, he visited the brothel - with disastrous results.

A few weeks ago, A. had been living in a sparsely furnished, yet freshly renovated and light-flooded apartment in Brigittenau. On Allerheiligenplatz, just a few minutes' walk from the crime scene.

A. is said to have slept on the floor of a friend's house for several weeks. Just a few minutes away from the crime scene. (Bild: zVg)
A. is said to have slept on the floor of a friend's house for several weeks. Just a few minutes away from the crime scene.

According to "Krone" information, he is said to have slept on the floor there. A good temporary solution, because according to the interrogation protocol, he was supposed to return to Kabul on March 1. This was also confirmed by his lawyer.

Almost cut off the victims' heads
But instead of waiting a few more days for his departure, the Afghan decided to enter the brothel in Engerthstraße on February 23 at 8:55 p.m. armed with a knife and take the lives of three Asian women. Forensics counted almost 100 stabs to the female victims. Some of them with such force that the heads of two of the women were almost severed. Before the horrific act, the refugee - who has been in Austria since the beginning of 2022 - even went to a mosque to pray.

The 27-year-old when he was arrested after the crime. Because he had cut his hand, he had to be taken away on a stretcher. (Bild: zVg)
The 27-year-old when he was arrested after the crime. Because he had cut his hand, he had to be taken away on a stretcher.

Ebadullah A. had a "broken soul"
For his lawyer, A. is "a broken soul, an unfortunate sick person". The 27-year-old's detention period is still being decided. A psychiatric report has also not yet been commissioned.

A. actually wanted to return to Afghanistan. But that never happened. Instead, he allegedly stabbed three prostitutes to death with a knife. (Bild: C.GROH zVg Krone KREATIV)
A. actually wanted to return to Afghanistan. But that never happened. Instead, he allegedly stabbed three prostitutes to death with a knife.

What drove the Afghan to commit the horrific massacre on that night of horror will probably never be comprehensible to an ordinary mortal.

Nevertheless, it must be clarified what drove the suspect to commit the crime that evening. During the interrogation, the Afghan stated that an inner voice had told him to go ahead and take revenge: "Prostitutes are under the guise of Satan. I read in the Koran that I should wage jihad!"

This article has been automatically translated,
read the original article here.

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