Taking part in the Paralympics

How an archer shoots his way into the world elite

12.03.2024 06:07

Michael Meier fought his way to the top of the world in record time: he won the qualifying tournament for the Paralympics after less than two years of training. The spirited Waldviertel native is now not only seen as a favorite by his team coaches, but also as having immense potential.

Three years ago, no one in the Waldviertel was left indifferent by the tragic accident of surgical assistant Michael Meier: he fell from a ladder from a height of three meters and was so unfortunate that he has been confined to a wheelchair ever since. He had previously spent countless hours working for the community as a true "club man" in many clubs. But even after his accident, the 42-year-old family man still shows a great deal of passion and dedication. And so in less than two years, alongside his new 40-hour job as a care controller, he managed to fight his way to the top of para-archery in the world.

"Golden boy" made himself a birthday present
For his upcoming birthday on March 24, he gave himself a more than outstanding present: at the quota tournament in Dubai, which is the only qualifying tournament for the Paralympics from September 29 to 5 in Paris alongside the 2023 European Championships in Rotterdam, he not only managed to qualify - the "golden boy" also won the tournament!

He is one of the best of the best
"I haven't yet realized what this really means. Paralympics - these are the best of the best - and I get to go. It's absolutely amazing," said a jubilant Meier on arrival from Dubai at Schwechat Airport.

Gold shooter Michael Meier with national coach Christian Linhart (right) and national team physiotherapist Stefan Pöll. (Bild: ÖBSV)
Gold shooter Michael Meier with national coach Christian Linhart (right) and national team physiotherapist Stefan Pöll.
Michael Meier scored his winning goals at the tournament in Dubai under difficult conditions. (Bild: ÖBSV)
Michael Meier scored his winning goals at the tournament in Dubai under difficult conditions.
A warm welcome at Schwechat Airport after the top performance. (Bild: ÖBSV)
A warm welcome at Schwechat Airport after the top performance.

An extreme talent
Michael Müller, Sports Director of the Archery Association, also sees a sensation: "It usually takes five to seven years for a talent to reach the international top level with optimal support and full intensity. So Michael still has enormous potential that he can develop further." He has exactly the right approach: "Sharpen the saw before you cut - it's not many shots that lead to success, but the good ones!"

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