"Krone" commentary

Women on the front line?

09.03.2024 11:00

You don't know what "Equal Pay Day" is? For all the sinister reactionaries and eternal advocates of patriarchy: it's the "international day of action for equal pay between women and men". According to the omniscient Google platform. In Austria, this day was on February 14, whereby the "gender pay gap"-you don't know what that is either? -, i.e. the difference in income between women and men, still amounts to 18 percent in this country.

ON THE ONE HAND, it is simply a mess when women earn less than men for the same work and the same performance. Where this still exists, it should be rigorously abolished.

OTHERWISE, a lot of pseudo-feminist nonsense is being spouted in this context. For example, when a "chief economist" from the trade union-affiliated Momentum Institute explains that the pay gap between men and women is already inherent in childhood because girls have to help out more in the household than boys.

However, the civilizational development of mankind began in the Neolithic Age with the invention of the division of labour. Everyone was expected to do what they were suited to. And men did the hard work. Today it is called "half and half", and men and women should do the same. So why hasn't compulsory military service for women been introduced long ago in line with the principle of equality? Just one question ...

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