20 injured in Poland

Driver allegedly drove into crowd on purpose

02.03.2024 16:03

The driver who injured 20 people in Poland on Friday is said to have deliberately driven into the crowd. This was reported by several media outlets, which referred to the public prosecutor's office. The 33-year-old is now being investigated for attempted murder and deliberately causing a catastrophe.

According to the police, this is not an act of terrorism. The alleged perpetrator first drove into several people waiting at a streetcar stop on Rodlo Square in the port city of Szczecin. He then fled the scene of the accident and shortly afterwards rammed his car into three other vehicles.

The rescue team in action (Bild: AFP)
The rescue team in action
The driver rammed into three other vehicles. (Bild: AFP)
The driver rammed into three other vehicles.
The injured people had been waiting at a streetcar stop. (Bild: AFP)
The injured people had been waiting at a streetcar stop.

A total of 20 people were injured in the incident; according to the authorities, they are between five and 62 years old. Six people were in a "critical" or "serious" condition, said spokespeople for the hospital where they were being treated. Initially, there had been talk of 19 people being injured, but one person only went to hospital a little later, according to the authorities.

Suspect in psychiatric treatment
The suspect comes from Szczecin and has been undergoing psychiatric treatment for four years. Criminal proceedings have been initiated against the 33-year-old for attempted murder and deliberately causing a catastrophe.

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