Former Chancellor in conversation

Vranitzky reveals the secret of the grand coalition

22.02.2024 06:01

The new "Krone" podcast "Super Election Year" starts on Thursday. Former Chancellor Vranitzky is a guest in the first episode. He talks about Jörg Haider, Herbert Kickl and the grand coalition's recipe for success.

If there is one politician who is synonymous with the successful coalition between the SPÖ and ÖVP, it is former Chancellor Franz Vranitzky. A form of coalition that could celebrate a comeback. It is an open secret that the SPÖ and ÖVP are flirting with each other with the aim of forming a coalition after the National Council elections.

In view of these prospects, former SPÖ Chancellor Franz Vranitzky was the best guest for the first episode of the new political podcast "Superwahljahr".

(Bild: Krone KREATIV)

"Alois Mock never complained about me"
The two "Krone" domestic politics experts Rainer Nowak and Ida Metzger will conduct interviews with political personalities once a week in the super election year 2024 - when six national elections and the campaign for the White House will be in focus. In the first episode, Vranitzky describes why dealing with Jörg Haider was difficult and why Haider "quickly squandered trust".

Even back then, negotiations in the grand coalition were tough. "It often took me three weeks to convince Alois Mock of the capital gains tax, for example. But once it was agreed, Mock never complained about me to third parties." That was the recipe for success for the SPÖ and ÖVP back then. We should remember this in the fall.

The podcast "Super Election Year" goes online every Thursday on and can also be subscribed to on all podcast platforms.

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read the original article here.

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