FPÖ top candidate

Vilimsky: “Cut off EU aid money for Ukraine”

15.02.2024 13:54

The EU is a "gigantic ink castle" that needs to be slimmed down: "We have 705 MEPs, that's absolute madness," said Vilimsky in the krone.tv interview with Jana Pasching. However, the Öxit was never an issue: "We don't want to break anything up, we want to reform." Vilimsky would end aid money to Ukraine. The money would not go to providing for the people, but to oligarchic structures. "I don't want that."

According to Vilimsky, the European Union is acting as a kind of warmonger: "If you look at the debates in the European Parliament, they are only interested in pumping as much European taxpayers' money into Ukraine as possible and supplying as many weapons as possible." This is not what should have been the actual objective for him.

"EU obviously wants to fuel the war"
According to Vilimsky, Austria, as a neutral country and the seat of the United Nations OSCE, has the opportunity to bring about processes of peacemaking. "But the European Union doesn't want that at all; on the contrary, it obviously wants to fuel the war here."

(Bild: krone.tv)

"Look where the money is going"
In Ukraine, "this dying must be stopped". The attempt alone is important, said Vilimsky. The EU leadership candidate would "naturally" stop arms deliveries and financial aid, for example for infrastructure, to Ukraine. "Just look at who is enriching themselves here, where the money is trickling away. Most of the money is not going to people who are being cared for with dignity. It's about serving a weapons and war industry and an oligarchic structure."

Not at the Akademikerball: "I'm a dance grouch"
According to Vilimsky, you have to take a "carnival flavor" to hearty remarks at the political Ash Wednesday, then they are okay. The EU politician will not be attending the Akademikerball on Friday. "Mainly because I don't like to dance. Let people throw stones at me." He is also on his way to the USA on Friday, where he has a series of meetings with the Republican political scene.

Watch the full interview with Harald Vilimsky in the video above.

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