Award of the country

Anna Eliskases from Kundl is “Apprentice of the Year”

25.05.2024 09:00

The Kundl native received the coveted award from the province of Tyrol on Thursday. Her career is set to continue with great ambition. Her competitors for the title were also present at the ceremony in the Landhaus.

Anna Eliskases from Kundl was overjoyed on Thursday evening. The budding office administrator from TKM Werbung-Events-Fotografie was named "Apprentice of the Year 2023" at the 22nd Apprentice Gala Night at the Landhaus. "For me, it is a great honor and at the same time a confirmation that I made the right decision," she explained yesterday in an interview with the "Krone".

Anna Eliskases (left) was honored by LR Astrid Mair. (Bild: Land Tirol/Die Fotografen)
Anna Eliskases (left) was honored by LR Astrid Mair.

The Kundl native nominated herself. It was published on her school's website that pupils had already applied the previous year. It is all the more pleasing for her that, in addition to the Apprentice of the Month award, she has now also been named Apprentice of the Year.

Award for committed and talented apprentices
The award is one of several highlights of the province's apprenticeship campaign. LR Astrid Mair presented Eliskases with the coveted prize on Thursday. "Anna Eliskases has more than earned this title thanks to her outstanding academic achievements and extraordinary commitment in the company as well as her extensive voluntary work in the village community." At the same time, Mair emphasized that with the help of tomorrow's skilled workers, the Tyrol can be secured as a business location for the future.

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I don't have an exact picture of what will happen in the future. But many doors are open to me. I am ambitious, so I want to keep moving upwards. It's clear that I want to stay in this field.

Anna Eliskases, Lehrling des Jahres

AK President Erwin Zangerl confirms that a good apprenticeship is the basis for one's own livelihood: "Anyone who completes an apprenticeship in Tyrol can assume that they will receive a sound education. That's why we need to showcase the achievements and skills of young people."

Further information

All further information on the Apprentice of the Year at

This year's winner, who completed her first vocational class with nothing but very good grades, wants to stay in the fast lane: "I don't have an exact picture of what will happen in the future. But many doors are open to me. I'm ambitious, so I want to keep moving upwards. What is clear is that I want to stay in this field." In addition to the award, she can also look forward to a 500-euro voucher and a sweet trophy.

The twelve apprentices of the month 2023 came together for a group photo on Thursday (Bild: Land Tirol/Die Fotografen)
The twelve apprentices of the month 2023 came together for a group photo on Thursday

Talents of the future in Tyrol's companies
In addition to the winner, Anna Eliskases ("Apprentice of the Month" December), eleven other young talents were nominated. They all became "Apprentice of the Month" and are representative of the many talented apprentices in Tyrol. The "Krone" provides an overview:

  • January: Ambrosius Fasching (Dölsach), metal technician, Liebherr-Hausgeräte Lienz GmbH
  • February: Maria Reiter (Reith im Alpbachtal), office clerk, U1 Medien GmbH, Schwaz
  • March: Ronald Scheiber (Vent), electrical engineer, Falkner & Riml GmbH, Längenfeld
  • April: Daniela Rissbacher (Buch), geoinformation technician, Stadtwerke Schwaz GmbH
  • May: David Pfausler (Roppen), structural engineer, AT-Thurner Bau GmbH, Imst
  • June: Theresa Lindsberger (Nikolsdorf), confectioner, Joast GmbH, Lienz
  • July: Felix Thaler (Strass im Zillertal), forwarding agent, Rail Cargo Austria AG in Innsbruck
  • August: Vanessa Stoll from Weißenbach am Lech, retail saleswoman at KK Sport GmbH, Reutte
  • September: Julian Huber (Rum), mechatronics technician at Siemens AG Austria in Innsbruck
  • October: Sarah Anna Kuchelmair (Virgen), tax assistant, Lienz tax office
  • November: Klemens Brunner (Schwendt), automotive technician, Porsche Inter Auto GmbH, St. Johann in Tirol

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