Opening offers

Hyundai NOW 2 x in St. Pölten

06.06.2024 00:01

Who doesn't know the perfect one-two pass on the soccer pitch? It's when the ball rolls like clockwork and a goal can be cheered at the end ...

But a one-two pass can also be the perfect combination for success off the pitch. That's exactly why Schirak has been passing the proverbial ball to each other for many years. And now it's happening again! From now on, there are two Hyundai locations under the Schirak flag in St. Pölten - still in Porschestraße at Schirak Automobile and from now on also in Ratzersdorf at Schirak-Lehr.

The Schirak double pass
As part of the opening, the Schirak Doppelpass was brought to life together with the young footballers of SV Ratzersdorf. After a successful kick-off at the Schirak car dealership in the south of St. Pölten, the ball was played once through the provincial capital with the help of celebrities such as Mayor Matthias Stadler or soccer legend Frenkie Schinkels and many St. Pölten residents, right up to the successful goal kick at Schirak-Lehr in the north.

(Bild: Autohaus Schirak)
(Bild: Autohaus Schirak)

Many opening offers
So Hyundai is now twice in the provincial capital! And to mark the start of this great Schirak double pass, customers can of course look forward to many opening offers. In addition to attractive prices, there is also the great opportunity to win back the entire purchase price - which, by the way, can be up to 8,000 euros cheaper. And anyone who opts for a new Hyundai by June 30 will benefit from the exclusive Schirak double-pass drive-away package: full tank, free underbody protection, combination set included and registration costs covered.

So head over to Schirak Automobile or Schirak-Lehr - you can get into a new Hyundai either way!

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