The "Krone" Lower Austria column

The little messenger makes a mini garden

25.05.2024 05:44

How we're already looking forward to the vacations with a mini garden! As a columnist, "Die kleine Botin" aka Daniela Gaigg writes about topics relating to life with the family. These include sustainability in everyday life, self-care and food for thought for parents.

The children are currently torn between long weekends, which really do create a vacation atmosphere, and the excitement of upcoming exams and schoolwork. As always, the end of term and the weeks leading up to it are extremely exciting and challenging. I have found that in times when the brain is busy with a lot of mental work, it is very good to do a bit of "manual work" and have come up with a summer project. To get us in the mood for the long vacations, we've spent the last few days making a mini garden:

Small garden with little effort
It costs almost nothing, because almost everything you need for it is around the house: 1 empty Tetrapak (milk or juice carton), scissors or cutter, potting soil and seedlings (or flower seeds).

Wash out the empty milk carton from the Tetrapak thoroughly and cut off the top part lying flat. If you like, you can decorate it creatively after it has dried. The bottom of the packet should be pierced a few times to allow drainage and prevent the small plants from getting wet roots.

Now add the soil. Now we plant the seedlings together and water them a little every day. The mini garden looks super pretty, even fits on the windowsill and is also perfect as a leaving present from the kindergarten or for the teacher!

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read the original article here.

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