Annual grades for bulls

“Pavlo” as a model pupil, Solet as a controversial case

22.05.2024 13:00

At the end of an unsatisfactory season, the Salzburg players received their annual grades. For all "Krone" editors, defender Strahinja Pavlovic was the best Bull of the past season. However, there were also one or two differences of opinion.

End of the season is grading time! As every year, the performances of the individual Salzburg players are rated at the end of the season according to the "Krone" grading system (1 = very weak season, 2 = weak season, 3 = average season, 4 = strong season, 5 = very strong season and 6 = outstanding season). The "Bullen" editors did not always agree.

Grades by Ch. Nister

Schlager 5, Pavlovic 6, Solet 4, Baidoo 3, Daniliuc 3, Terzic 1, Guindo 3, Ulmer 3, Dedic 4, Gourna-Douath 2, Diambou 3, Sucic 3, Kjaergaard 4, Bidstrup 5, Capaldo 3, Forson 3, Gloukh 5, Konate 5, Simic 2, Fernando 5, Ratkov 2, Koita 4, Nene 4.

The model pupil

There was nothing to discuss here. Salzburg's best player of the past season was defensive boss Strahinja Pavlovic. The Serbian led the way even in difficult phases, never let himself down and was mainly responsible for the fact that the Bullen defense was considered a bulwark for a long time. It was only in the championship group that this began to crumble. Nevertheless: three sixes for "Pavlo".

The brave ones

Although it was a title-less year, some of the Bulls were still able to make their mark. New signings Mads Bidstrup and Alexander Schlager proved straight away that they are an asset to the team. Top scorer Karim Konate (22 goals) and assist king Oscar Gloukh (18 assists) took a big step forward in their development. Amar Dedic, Maurits Kjaergaard, Sekou Koita and, when fit, Fernando have also impressed.

Konate (left) and Gloukh played a good season. (Bild: Tröster Andreas/Andreas Tröster)
Konate (left) and Gloukh played a good season.

Scores by P. Kirchtag

Schlager 5, Pavlovic 6, Solet 2, Baidoo 3, Daniliuc 3, Terzic 1, Guindo 3, Ulmer 3, Dedic 4, Gourna-Douath 2, Diambou 3, Sucic 3, Kjaergaard 4, Bidstrup 4, Capaldo 3, Forson 1, Gloukh 6, Konate 5, Simic 2, Fernando 4, Ratkov 2, Koita 4, Nene 2.

The disputes

Opinions were particularly divided on the performance of Oumar Solet (grades 2 to 4). The talented Frenchman played a strong fall, but became weaker and weaker as the season progressed and lost his starting spot due to indiscipline. There was also disagreement over Dorgele's Nene. The Malian was the best joker, often bringing a breath of fresh air after substitutions. However, he was never able to establish himself as a regular. Just like Amankwah Forson (scored 1 once). Although the midfielder made a total of 29 appearances, he was never able to leave a lasting impression.

Opinions differed on Solet. (Bild: FC Red Bull Salzburg/Klaus Huber)
Opinions differed on Solet.

Grades from S. Steinbichler

Schlager 5, Pavlovic 6, Solet 4, Baidoo 3, Daniliuc 3, Terzic 1, Guindo 3, Ulmer 3, Dedic 4, Gourna-Douath 2, Diambou 3, Sucic 3, Kjaergaard 4, Bidstrup 5, Capaldo 3, Forson 2, Gloukh 5, Konate 5, Simic 2, Fernando 4, Ratkov 2, Koita 4, Nene 3.

The disappointments

Aleksa Terzic (three "A's") received the worst marks. The left-back arrived last summer, but was never able to fulfill the expectations placed in him and disappointed across the board. Things did not go much better for record-breaking Lucas Gourna-Douath (three times 2). Even in his second season, he did not take the step that had been hoped for. In the end, he lost his place to Mamady Diambou. Strikers Roko Simic and Petar Ratkov also performed poorly. If they stay, they will have to do much better next season!

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