Great moment in Miami

Norris: “I’m already hungry for more”

06.05.2024 14:16

Lando Norris can now call himself a Formula 1 Grand Prix winner. The McLaren driver triumphed in Miami and assured: "I'm already hungry for more."

In the frenzy of his debut victory, even the congratulations from surprise guest Donald Trump were only a side note for Norris. After his coup in Miami, he thanked the former US president, who was probably using the PS stage more for campaign purposes. However, amidst the exuberant party scenes, the 24-year-old enjoyed the feeling that he had finally proved the doubters wrong with his triumph in the 110th Grand Prix.

Donald Trump (right) congratulated Lando Norris on his victory. (Bild: Getty Images/APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/Mark Thompson)
Donald Trump (right) congratulated Lando Norris on his victory.

"I knew my time would come," said Norris more than once. Unlike several missed opportunities in the past, the Briton's racing luck was good in Florida. For a long time on Sunday, it looked like another one of those Max Verstappen victories that had become a tiresome habit. But a safety car period in the middle of the race flushed Norris into the lead, and the McLaren youngster was then unstoppable even by the world champion in the Red Bull, which was weakening on the hardest tire compound. "I'm very happy that Lando beat me today. He really deserved it," said second-placed Verstappen.

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The fact that we are now in the lead and have won a race shows the incredible job the team has done.

Lando Norris

After the work was done, Norris let out a cry of joy and was briefly thrown into the air by his mechanics. "It's about time," he admitted. Norris had gone into the sixth Grand Prix weekend of the year as the driver with the most podium finishes who had never achieved a Formula 1 victory. "A lot of people doubted that I could win races and perform under the pressure of leading a race. Especially with Max behind me. But this year I was more confident than ever," Norris emphasized.

Lando Norris at the top of the podium. (Bild: GEPA/GEPA pictures)
Lando Norris at the top of the podium.

The son of a wealthy stockbroker was promoted to regular driver by McLaren for the 2019 season. His father Adam's fortune is estimated at a good 200 million pounds. However, Lando Norris proved his enormous talent early on and has long been regarded as a potential world champion of the future. Among other things, he was British Formula 4 champion, first overall in the Toyota Racing Series and in the European Formula 3 Championship. But as in Russia 2021, when he led the race from pole position for a long time before making a mistake with his tire choice in the rain, Norris missed several opportunities for victory number one in the premier class.

Last year, McLaren was still deep in crisis, with both cars failing to make it into the second qualifying round in Miami. "The fact that we are now at the top and have won a race shows the amazing job the team has done," enthused Norris.

Turnaround with Andrea Stella
The turnaround for the traditional racing team came primarily with the new team principal Andrea Stella, who was promoted at the start of the pre-season and led McLaren back into the circle of the strongest Red Bull chasers at breakneck speed in the second half of 2023. "We have kept the momentum. Today is another important step and hopefully the start of greater success," said the 53-year-old.

McLaren team boss Andrea Stella (right) and CEO Zak Brown (Bild: Getty Images/APA/Getty Images via AFP/GETTY IMAGES/CLIVE MASON)
McLaren team boss Andrea Stella (right) and CEO Zak Brown

Probably nobody in the paddock at the Hard Rock Stadium begrudged McLaren and especially Norris this great moment. Even Ferrari team boss Frédéric Vasseur joined in the jubilation and exuberantly sprayed champagne. "It was also good for Formula 1 as a whole that three teams can fight for victory at the front. It's good for the show, good for the fans," said the Frenchman, whose hopeful Charles Leclerc had finished third.

Verstappen, meanwhile, was still relaxed. After a driving error, he cleared a bollard and probably damaged his underbody massively, so that he could no longer keep up with Norris. "That also has to do with the track," said the Dutchman, explaining his weaknesses in Florida. Thanks to his victory in the sprint on Saturday, the 26-year-old nevertheless took home the most championship points of all drivers and even extended his lead in the overall standings.

Party order from Zak Brown
But such arithmetical games were of no interest to the unleashed Norris. Team Managing Director Zak Brown unceremoniously rebooked the premiere winner for a return flight on Monday and issued a party order. "I won't sleep and will give it my all," promised Norris.

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