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Kerkrade celebrates promotion twice by mistake

04.05.2024 20:06

Dutch second division side Roda JC from Kerkrade have celebrated promotion to the first division twice by mistake!

Roda went into the penultimate round in second place, one point ahead of Groningen in a direct promotion place. Immediately after the 2:0 home win against Cambuur Leeuwarden, jubilant fans ran onto the pitch because Groningen were 1:0 down at Velsen and the match was close to the final whistle - for the Roda supporters, promotion was sealed.

But the professionals and coach Bas Sibum fended off the fans and stood together to watch the final seconds of the Groningen game. In the fifth minute of stoppage time, Groningen equalized to make it 1:1 - frustration and no promotion for Kerkrade. But around two minutes later, there was more jubilation. Fans stormed the pitch, Roda players fell into each other's arms, captain Matisse Didden was carried on the shoulders of a supporter and waved his shirt exuberantly. It was wrongly said that Velsen had scored the 2:1.

"Something can always go wrong!"
And Kerkrade's stadium announcer believed this and announced the news. "The players came out of the changing room. Suddenly everyone started cheering and jumping. Then someone said to me: 'Velsen have scored a goal'. People were crying next to me, players came out, everyone was celebrating. I thought: that's how it has to be. The stadium exploded," said stadium announcer Wim Frijns.

But gradually everyone realized that it was false information. The players slunk into the dressing room with their heads hanging down, the fans also left the pitch in disbelief. "I've been doing this for decades and I'm only human. Something can always go wrong," said Frijns. Defender Didden also experienced the full range of emotions. "After Groningen equalized, people were shouting that it was 2-1 to Velsen. Then I went completely crazy. Unfortunately, this joy only lasted 20 seconds. Now we have to finish it next week," said the 22-year-old captain.

And the season finale couldn't be much more explosive. Although Kerkrade only need one more point to secure promotion, they face Groningen. The relegated team could still overtake Kerkrade with a win. League leaders Willem II Tilburg have already been promoted.

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