Russian veto

UN resolution against arms race in space fails

25.04.2024 09:23

Months ago, the US warning spread like wildfire: The Russian government is apparently working on a nuclear anti-satellite weapons system. Russia rejected the warning as a "malicious fake" and a trick. The leadership in Moscow also sees a UN resolution introduced by the United States and Japan against an arms race in space as "propaganda". For this reason, the draft was vetoed on Wednesday.

The draft text called on all states to "actively contribute to the objective of the peaceful use of outer space and the prevention of an arms race in outer space and to refrain from measures contrary to this objective and the relevant provisions".

"Do not put nuclear weapons into orbit"
The draft also emphasized the obligation of countries to comply with the Outer Space Treaty ratified by more than 100 states and "not to place objects with nuclear weapons or other types of weapons of mass destruction in orbit around the Earth, install such weapons on celestial bodies or station such weapons in outer space." The detonation of a nuclear bomb or other weapon of mass destruction in space would have serious consequences for space activities and planet Earth, it said.

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield said that such an explosion could "destroy thousands of satellites operated by countries and companies around the world and wipe out vital services for communications, science, meteorology, agriculture, economics and national security".

US ambassador: Russia is hiding something
Before the vote on Wednesday, Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia spoke of a "joke of a resolution" and a "cynical trick". US representative Robert Wood, on the other hand, suggested that Russia might have something to hide.

In order to be able to respond better to attacks on satellites, NATO had already decided in 2021 that attacks from or in space could in future be treated as an alliance case under Article 5 on collective defense - i.e. in the same way as attacks on the ground or in air, sea or cyberspace.
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