Political comeback in Vienna

“FPÖ reconciliation has not taken place”

15.04.2024 16:00

In an interview on krone.tv, former FPÖ leader Heinz Christian Strache has once again confirmed that he will be standing in the 2025 Vienna municipal elections. However, his political past is still in his stomach: "I have experienced a lot of slander in recent years. But I have also won a total of 10 cases. Which shows how slander against me has been dealt with."

Strache says that he also had to experience being expelled from the liberal community of values, i.e. the FPÖ. "That was a real blow to my heart at the time. I didn't manage to get onto the local council when I stood for election in 2020, but the slander against me was at its peak."

Reconciliation efforts
Strache then spent two and a half years reaching out to the Freedom Movement for reconciliation. "I am still doing that. Because it is the wish of many fellow campaigners, but also of citizens, that we experience reconciliation. I think that would also be sensible. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet. That is why we are now starting to plan my candidacy for the 2025 Vienna elections. If reconciliation is not desired by the FPÖ, I will go into the election with my list."

Ex-FPÖ leader Heinz Christian Strache in the krone.tv talk (Bild: krone.tv)
Ex-FPÖ leader Heinz Christian Strache in the krone.tv talk

He may have been wronged here and there, but he is still at peace with himself and the liberal community of values. He has not yet had a discussion with Dominik Nepp or Herbert Kickl. The former FPÖ chairman answered the question of whether he had already had a beer with the current FPÖ top representatives in the negative. Strache: "Not yet. But what is not yet can still be."

Sturdy vest needed to buy ice cream
In any case, the political issues on his own list are practically identical to those of the current FPÖ. But it is good that the issues that he promoted for 14 years as Vienna's regional party leader and then also as FPÖ leader are now being continued: "If you have to go shopping for ice cream in the 10th district today with a bulletproof or stab-proof vest and are afraid that you might only survive the ice cream sale injured or not at all, then these are dramatic developments and something has to change."

Next year, Strache hopes that Team HC Strache will double the 3.27% achieved in the 2020 Vienna elections. That would be well over five percent and a permanent place on the Vienna City Council. Strache: "I think we can get towards eight percent."

Resignation was a mistake
Resigning as Vice-Chancellor was, selfishly speaking, a mistake. Stache: "You're always smarter with hindsight. But yes, selfishly speaking, it was a mistake. Because by resigning, I realized how everyone was coming down on me. Even my former political colleagues. But I learned to accept things that you can't change. Also to let things go and only start where you can shape things yourself. Namely with yourself. But that was also a maturing process."

Watch the full interview with HC Strache in the video above.

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