Coordinated Lunar Time

NASA plans its own time zone for the moon

03.04.2024 09:50

An internal US government document shows that it has instructed NASA to establish a uniform time standard for the moon and other celestial bodies. However, the implementation of this plan could prove difficult.

According to a memo from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) of the Office of the President, which has been made available to Reuters, the space agency NASA is to draw up a plan for the introduction of Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC) by the end of 2026.

This time measurement is required in particular by spacecraft and lunar satellites in order to be able to provide precise time information.

Lunar surface (Bild: AFP)
Lunar surface

Time passes 58.7 microseconds slower on the moon
In her letter, OSTP head Arati Prabhakar emphasizes that a clock on Earth runs on average 58.7 microseconds slower per Earth day compared to a clock on the moon. In addition, there are further fluctuations that mean that lunar time also deviates from time on Earth. This could lead to problems with data transmission between Earth and the satellites, space bases and astronauts if a uniform lunar time is not used.

Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon (Bild: AFP)
Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon

Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is used as a reference for calculating local times on Earth. Austria uses Central European Time (CET) with UTC+1, during summer time CEST with UTC+2. The standard is based on a global network of atomic clocks.

Another trip to the moon planned
The USA hopes that the leadership in setting this standard will "benefit all spacefaring nations". NASA is planning the first moon landing by an astronaut since the end of the Apollo program for September 2026.
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