Eating habits

How vegan is Austria?

01.04.2024 06:30

Pulses such as lentils and beans as well as vegetables - a recent survey shows how Austrians feel about a plant-based diet, i.e. veganism, the reasons for it and who can imagine going on an animal-free diet.

"Pure veganism is still a marginal phenomenon in this country, but it certainly has growth potential. According to our survey, a good fifth can imagine going vegan (22%). In Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010), the proportion of those interested is as high as 35%. In comparison: among baby boomers, veganism is only an option for one in six," explains Thomas Schwabl from Marketagent.

Slow change
The changes in meat consumption also reveal a gradual change in the Austrian food pyramid. For half of omnivores (eat everything), the consumption of schnitzel, sausage rolls and the like has remained stable over the past five years. However, 42% of those surveyed reported a reduction in their meat consumption during this period.

Women place more value on plant-based
Vegan products are not only relevant for people who completely reject animal products, but can also be popular with vegetarians or omnivores. A good third of domestic consumers are looking for plant-based alternatives when shopping. Women pay more attention to this than men, and again it is the members of Generation Z who are enthusiastic about vegan sausages, cosmetics and the like.

The top reasons for a vegan lifestyle are conditions in animal husbandry, transportation and slaughter, aversion to animal testing and meat scandals. However, the fact that they are often asked to pay more for vegan alternatives than for the animal "originals" annoys consumers. The majority are therefore not prepared to pay more for vegan products.

Unequal tax burden
Plant-based products are taxed more heavily than non-plant-based products in Austria. This is a thorn in the side of consumers. This should be changed urgently to make vegetarian food more affordable. Every second consumer assumes that plant-based product alternatives will continue to gain in importance in the future.

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