
“Putin has spoken of a third world war”

20.03.2024 13:00

In the current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv, one of the topics discussed was the three-day election in Russia last weekend.

Glawischnig sobered up: "That wasn't an election. It certainly wasn't. All opposition members were either cleared away, i.e. in prison, not on the electoral list or dead. It's extremely tricky to call something like that an election. He now believes he has the task of continuing to "govern the Russians with a strong hand".

His statements were worrying: "He immediately threatened the West. He threatened Sweden. And Putin immediately flexed his muscles and even used the word 'third world war'. He's now flying high and it's all very dangerous. I'm very worried about what will happen in the coming weeks."

Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv in the current "TV duel". (Bild: krone.tv )
Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv in the current "TV duel".

Majority supports Putin
Mölzer: "Even if you don't take the figures and the election results seriously: There is probably actually a majority in Russia that supports Putin. A majority of Russians are probably behind this course and support Putin. Of course Putin is a dictator. But on the other hand, there is a certain hypocrisy among us.

When I think that two days ago the head of the EU and our Karl Chancellor were in Cairo, kissing and kissing with al-Sisi: You can believe me, elections in Egypt are about as free as elections in Russia. If the West can satisfy its interests, then it's okay. That is hypocrisy.

Another point of discussion is about Donald Trump's recent bloodbath. You can see the respective positions of the two duelists on this and other political topics in the video above.

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