The great world theater

Play celebrates diversity and poses critical questions

16.03.2024 22:00

It is intended to be a reflection of our times and is the first theater production of the Capital of Culture Bad Ischl: Salzburg director Reinhold Tritscher premieres "Das Große Welttheater" and holds up a mirror to society. It is a play about the big issues of our time.

Professional actors mingle with amateur actors, some with disabilities, others without - the co-production of the private Salzburg theater Ecce and Bad Ischl (this year's Capital of Culture) does not skimp on directly addressing current challenges and, although artistically, directly passing them on to the audience from the stage. "We may not have the answers to burning social questions, but we are allowed to ask them," explains director Reinhold Tritscher.

It's about climate change, genetic experiments, flight and poverty. And the audience is asked to come up with their own ideas about the solutions. "It is a completely presumptuous attempt to describe the time of upheaval in which we live using scenes," explains Tritscher, describing the sensitivity required to deal with current discussions artistically.

A scene from the play "Das große Welttheater", which will be performed in Salzburg until Sunday evening. (Bild: Chris Rogel)
A scene from the play "Das große Welttheater", which will be performed in Salzburg until Sunday evening.

The "Great World Theater" is based on the play "El gran teatro del mundo" from 1630, written by the Spanish playwright Pedro Calerón de la Barca. Tritscher has adapted the play and turned it into an inclusive piece dedicated to current issues. The actors embody different groups that represent society in all its diversity. Tritscher cast some of them at Lebenshilfe and in the Volkstheater workshops in Salzburg and Saalfelden, where anyone can try out acting. "The world theater should reflect the entire spectrum of society and show its diversity," says Tritscher.

"Das große Welttheater" has already been performed in Bad Goisern at the end of February, the last performance will take place on Sunday at 7.30 pm at Szene Salzburg. Admission costs 29 euros, concessions 25 euros. Tickets are still available.

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