Pro-Ukrainian force

Attacks on major Russian cities announced

13.03.2024 13:49

Pro-Ukrainian fighters have announced attacks on two large cities in the Russian border region. On Wednesday, they called on the population of Belgorod and Kursk to "leave the cities immediately."

"We are forced to attack the military bases in Belgorod and Kursk," the fighters announced on Telegram. "To avoid civilian casualties, we call on all people to leave the cities immediately." Kremlin opponents from Russia have joined forces in the pro-Ukrainian volunteer militias.

As reported, they had already advanced into Russian border regions on Tuesday (see video above). According to their own statements, they took control of a village near the border. The Russian side has already confirmed the attacks. On Tuesday evening, the Ministry of Defense stated that the attack had been repelled.

A volunteer fighter in Belgorod (Bild: AFP)
A volunteer fighter in Belgorod
A destroyed house (Bild: AFP)
A destroyed house
The destroyed town hall in Belgorod (Bild: AFP)
The destroyed town hall in Belgorod

More and more attacks on the border region
The Ukrainian army, which is under heavy pressure at the front in its own country, has stepped up its attacks on Russian territory in recent months, concentrating particularly on border regions. On Wednesday night, the Russian armed forces intercepted and destroyed a total of 58 Ukrainian drones. These also included the administrative regions of Belgorod and Kursk. Around 45,000 people there are said to have no electricity. The building of the Russian domestic intelligence service FSB was also hit.

Air alert around St. Petersburg
An air alert was also triggered in the Leningrad region around the metropolis of St. Petersburg. No casualties were initially reported. Russian ruler Vladimir Putin sees the latest attacks on Russian regions as an attempt to disrupt the upcoming presidential elections in Russia.

"The main goal, I have no doubt, is to disrupt, if not the presidential elections in Russia, then at least the normal process of expressing the will of the citizens in some way," he said. Putin is expected to be re-elected in the elections (March 15 to 17), and strong competitors were not even admitted.
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