Family needs help

Dad-of-four Markus (41) died after aortic rupture

10.03.2024 10:00

The young father from Upper Austria survived a heart attack at work, but when he seemed to be getting better, he developed double pneumonia in the intensive care unit. The doctors were no longer able to help Markus. The grieving widow (42) is now alone with four small children. Krone readers can donate to help the family.

November 30, 2023 began like a normal weekday for family man Markus. The 41-year-old from the Steyr-Land district got up early, had breakfast with his wife Chie (42) and their four children Wolfgang (10), Leonhard (8), Klara (6) and Elisabeth (3). He was in a good mood and had no complaints. Then he drove to work in Steyr.

No longer reachable by phone
"He sent me a WhatsApp message from there," says Chie, who suddenly received a Facebook Messenger message from one of his colleagues. He asked her to contact the company urgently. "I wanted to ask Markus about it, but he didn't pick up," says Chie.

Breakdown at the company
She found out the reason from his boss: her husband had collapsed at work and had been flown to KUK in Linz. Diagnosis: heart attack as a result of a tear in the aorta (main artery).

"That was a terrible shock for us," emphasizes Chie. The 41-year-old could only be kept alive for the time being thanks to emergency operations and a cardiovascular machine. However, his heart was permanently damaged. Markus was in a deep sleep for weeks. Chie and the children feared for him and hoped for a miracle.

At first there was hope
At the end of December, he was actually woken up. The good news was that his brain had not been damaged. "Markus fought to get back to life and to be able to see our children again."

He managed to eat and sit up again himself. But it was clear that he needed a replacement heart. Chie visited him in the intensive care unit almost every day. It was always the best thing for Markus when she was with him.

He had already lost his mother
He had lost his mother Angela (64, blood poisoning) just a few months earlier. And his brother Stefan (35) was suddenly left alone with two children after his wife Birgit died of cancer (Krone reported).

Strokes of fate that took their toll on Markus, a caring family man. Chie was his emotional support and great love; he met the Japanese-born woman in 2009 and married her in 2011.

"Grateful for the time together"
On February 3, Markus developed bilateral pneumonia. His liver and kidney values also suddenly deteriorated so catastrophically that the 41-year-old had to realize that his life was now coming to an end.

Chie: "I was able to assure him once again of my love, how grateful I am for the wonderful time we had together and that I would take good care of our children." On February 9, just three days before his 42nd birthday, Markus closed his eyes forever.

Dear readers, if you would like to help the family, please donate to our Krone special account under the reference "Papa".
IBAN: AT 76 5400 0000 0040 0002

Donations are tax deductible!

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