"Krone" commentary

Elections as a farce

02.03.2024 11:00

God's zoo is full of strange phenomena. This also applies to the political landscape on this planet of ours. There are totalitarian theocracies like in Iran, monarchies like in "good old England", dictatorships like in Putin's Russia, centralist presidential republics like in France, federal republics like in Germany and in our country, and many more. And, curiously enough, they all legitimize themselves through elections, i.e. through the votes of their citizens or their subjects.

ON THE ONE HAND, this shows that every government, every rule, no matter how authoritarian or even totalitarian, in some way seeks confirmation from the ruled, i.e. the people.

ON THE OTHER hand, it is somewhat perverse when heads of state, such as the warlord in the Kremlin or the corpulent dictator of North Korea, just like the supreme mullah in Tehran, want to legitimize their tyranny with the - always manipulated or coerced - consent of the electorate.

But that is exactly what is happening this year. Russia's dictator Vladimir Putin has himself elected. The dictator of Belarus has recently been confirmed by elections. And elections are being held in Iran and in North Korea in April.

All these elections are nothing more than a political farce, as the voters concerned in these countries are of course well aware. And they are actually a mockery of democracy, at best a mood test for the respective dictator.

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