Shock moment in Tyrol

Heart attack on the ski slope: Many helped, skier lives

29.02.2024 07:00

A 54-year-old Frenchman collapsed with a heart attack in a mountain restaurant in the Zillertal Arena on Monday, then it was a matter of seconds. Courageous helpers prevented the worst. The man survived.

Because he felt severe pressure in his chest on the ski lift, a French holidaymaker (54) returned to the Arena Stadl on Monday afternoon. Suddenly, the man fell over and lay motionless - without breathing and without a pulse, as it turned out immediately afterwards.

Defibrillator was used
"The woman reported to the bar, from where the piste rescuers were alerted, who happened to be eating in the restaurant," explains operations manager Alexander Kröll. Josef Eberharter and Walter Bliem immediately began resuscitation - as practiced countless times. Meanwhile, their apprentice Lorenz Gruber ran to the nearby mountain station and fetched the defibrillator stationed there.

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Piste rescuers just happened to be eating in the restaurant.

Betriebsleiter Alexander Kröll

Probably no permanent damage
"There were also two guests who are intensive care nurses by profession," says Kröll. Fellow piste rescuers Peter Schiestl and Daniel Hentschel also rushed over. When the emergency helicopter arrived a short time later, the Frenchman was already responsive again. He should survive the incident without any lasting damage. It later became clear: it was a heart attack!

The electric shock activated twice
"We had to activate the electric shock twice," says piste rescuer Josef, looking back on the tricky situation. For everyone, it is confirmation that emergency backpacks with "defibrillators" and the stationing of the devices at several locations in the ski area are life-saving.

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