Corona cleared the way

Real flu rages worst in our region

27.02.2024 11:20

No other federal state has been hit as hard by influenza as Upper Austria. In hospitals, first corona patients and now flu patients have filled the beds. Up to ten percent of patients have to be treated in intensive care units.

Influenza still has us fully in its grip! In no other federal state is the real flu as rampant as in Upper Austria. And it has been for weeks!

Currently, almost 1600 sick days reported to the health insurance fund in Upper Austria are due to influenza - ten times as many are suffering from coughs and colds. At the peak three weeks ago, there were as many as 2290 influenza cases, 125 of the flu sufferers were in hospital, four of them in intensive care units.

Third calendar week brought the turnaround
In the third week of this year, the number of influenza patients climbed to over 1000 for the first time and ten percent of 57 hospitalized patients required intensive care!

In this third week of the year, coronavirus passed the "baton" to influenza. Shortly before Christmas, the Covid virus caused 294 hospitalizations in Upper Austria, eight of which were in intensive care units. With almost 10,000 registered patients, this was the peak of the last coronavirus wave to date.

Even more sick people last year
If you compare the current sickness figures with the same period last year, it is noticeable that this year, with 50,822 sick Upper Austrians, 6,000 fewer patients are registered. However, last year there were only 280 flu patients, but almost 5000 corona patients - this year there are barely 300 Covid cases.

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