New drama in Graz

Theater festival: female rage bears fruit

25.05.2024 11:00

Playwrights' festival in Graz: "Du, Herbert" at Burghof and "Juices" at Theater am Lend combine political themes and the art of language - it's great to see such plays in Graz.

The blood spurts, the beer fizzes. Clara Liepsch snatches the baseball bat from the tool wall and hits the clay statue - once, twice, three times, until a block falls to the floor.Vera von Gunten pulls out the knife, stabs and stabs and stabs.

"You, Herbert" is an escalation of violence. Antje Schupp staged the text by Lydia Haider, Judith Goetz and Marina Weitgasser for the Schauspielhaus Wien, and the pavilion has now been set up in the Burghof in Graz for the playwrights' festival. What happens in it is shocking - not just because of the brutality displayed by the actresses, but because the reality is shocking.

Clara Liepsch and Vera von Gunten gave their all in "You, Herbert" (Bild: Marcel Köhler)
Clara Liepsch and Vera von Gunten gave their all in "You, Herbert"

The authors spent a year collecting reports: "Woman strangled unconscious", "Baby shaken to death", "Pensioner robbed", the headlines read. The perpetrators are always men, and all the men are symbolically condensed into Herbert. He proclaims a gospel of violence that is as depressing as it is impressive. Can still be seen today at 10 pm.

Class struggle with humor
The Nationaltheater Mannheim presented "Juices" at the Theater am Lend on Thursday evening. Author Ewe Benbenek, shooting star of the German theater scene, begins her play with rousing fragments, tasting and sounding out the meanings of words, wrestling with language, sprinkling in pop-cultural humor, and only slowly does it materialize what it is actually about: a Polish woman who comes to West Germany as a migrant worker. It is about whether, as the child of such a mother, you are ever safe from slipping away and whether you can ever lean back when you know that other people are eating asparagus.

In Kamila Polívková's production with Antoinette Ullrich, Rahel Weiss and Maria Munkert, the play about classism and racism is a triumph on all levels. What a pleasure to see it in Graz!"Hannah Michaeler

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