Farewell from Munich

Bayern player emotional: “I will miss you”

23.05.2024 22:22

Eric-Maxim Choupo-Moting played for FC Bayern Munich for four years. Now they are parting ways. The 35-year-old has bid farewell to the record champions with an emotional message.

Bayern shared an emotional video on their platforms on Thursday. It features the striker from Cameroon, who repeatedly impressed managers, teammates and fans during his four years at the Isar. Sometimes as a backup, sometimes as a stopgap - but above all with his manner.

But the 35-year-old has also grown fond of the club: "First of all, I have to say: I've really taken the word 'Servus' to my heart. And that's not something that comes naturally to a young man from Hamburg. Because I used to only say: Moin, Moin."

No words for the coach
Then he gets really emotional: "I would like to thank you for four unforgettable years in which you always supported me and the team. I would also like to thank the entire FC Bayern staff and every member of staff here at the Säbener and in the Allianz Arena."

He also has warm words for his teammates over the past four years, concluding his message with: "Guys, I'm really going to miss you. What is striking, however, is that he does not address any words to the coaching staff.

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read the original article here.

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