ÖFB Cup Final

Hardly a ticket chance for Carinthian fans

30.04.2024 19:59

On Wednesday, the fans of Sturm and Rapid will once again conjure up a phenomenal atmosphere in the stands of the European Championship arena in Klagenfurt for the ÖFB Cup final. However, the neutral soccer fan had a hard time finding a ticket at all...

The phone in the "Krone" editorial office was ringing off the hook. Many angry fans picked up the phone and complained: "Why are there no tickets for the Cup final?" The answer: Because the ÖFB has not issued any tickets for free sale this year. The match between Sturm and Rapid was sold out right from the start, with the two clubs each receiving 12,500 tickets and the rest being reserved for VIPs, sponsors and partners.

Claudio Trevisan, head of sports at the "Kärntner Krone" editorial office, sheds light on the local sporting scene. (Bild: stock.adobe.com, Krone KREATIV)
Claudio Trevisan, head of sports at the "Kärntner Krone" editorial office, sheds light on the local sporting scene.

No chance for the Carinthian fan
In short, the neutral Carinthian soccer fan never really had a chance to watch the cup final in his own province. The fact that the two finalists now give preference to their annual season ticket holders and members when selling tickets is completely legitimate. And with extortionate internet prices of up to €600 (for a ticket in the opposition stand), only the most hardcore of hardcore fans will go for it. So you had to know someone who knows someone. . .

(Bild: Pail Sepp)

"But last year there was a contingent on free sale," the fan added on the phone. That's right. There were about 5000 tickets. But because they were all sold out within a few minutes, there were even some less amusing threatening calls to the ÖFB office.

Stadium could have been filled twice
No matter how you tried, you couldn't have pleased anyone with this constellation. Because it is also clear that the fan camps of these two clubs could fill the 30,000-capacity European Championship arena twice.

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