Mölzer on gun violence

“Dangers are people from violent cultures”

24.04.2024 06:50

In the current "TV duel" between Andreas Mölzer and Eva Glawischnig on krone.tv, one of the topics discussed was the current weapons ban zone in Vienna, which is currently being implemented at Reumannplatz. The penalties imposed are already severe.

"These are severe penalties. This has been widely discussed and is now known everywhere. But I am now hoping for nationwide implementation. I don't know why anyone can still carry machetes and long knives anywhere other than Vienna. Why should the restriction only apply to Viennese hot spots," says Eva Glawischnig.

There are weapons ban zones in Vienna. (Bild: stock.adobe.com, krone.at-Grafik)
There are weapons ban zones in Vienna.

International experience shows the way forward
International surveys also show that the lack of immediate availability of weapons has led to fewer violent crimes. Mölzer: "Availability is something that is dangerous. Opportunity makes thieves. And if you have a gun in your pocket and you're a hot runner, you might use it. If you don't have it, it's a lot less dangerous." But you have to be honest enough to say who the real danger is when it comes to such prohibition stories. Mölzer: "These are simply people from violent cultures with a migration background. You just have to say that openly."

No perlustration experienced
Neither of the two duelists have ever been beheaded by the police. Except where you would expect it. Glawischnig: "At the airport, at concerts or at soccer stadiums. It happens all the time that you get singled out. But otherwise not yet." Mölzer: "It's the executive branch that deals with this, much more professionally than the politicians, who often only make laws for special occasions. They should have a good effect and impress people. You have to trust in the professionalism of our executive. That is applied psychology."

Another point of discussion was the upcoming EU election campaign in Austria and the stance of the respective leading candidates on key issues. You can see the respective stances of the two duelists on this and other political topics in the video above.

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