Fear of the future?

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16.04.2024 19:37

Lewis Hamilton is still on the gas in Formula 1, but at 39, the Brit is not exactly one of the youngest drivers in the paddock. Sooner or later, the seven-time world champion will also end his racing career. He revealed to "GQ" what he plans to do afterwards.

"I've spoken to so many great athletes, from Boris Becker to Serena Williams and Michael Jordan. With athletes who are retired or with some who are still competing," said Hamilton. He had learned from many of the people he spoke to that they regretted ending their careers or not thinking about the future.

"Many of them said: 'I quit too early'. Or: 'I stayed too long. When it came to an end, I hadn't planned anything. My whole world collapsed,'" the Mercedes driver continued. It is not uncommon for athletes to fall into a hole after the end of their career. After their whole life has revolved around sport, some athletes first have to get used to "normal" life. "That got me thinking: if I stop, how can I avoid that?" Hamilton also deals with the issue.

"I have visions"
He has already been able to gather ideas for his time after Formula 1. One of them is music. "My mind is always on the move. I have very, very vivid dreams. I have to wake up and write them down. I then have visions of something that I create. Sometimes I play a song in my head. Then I get up and go downstairs, play it on the piano and record it," explained the Brit, who likes to organize songwriting camps with producers and songwriters in his time off from racing.

Always stylish on the road: Lewis Hamilton (Bild: GEPA )
Always stylish on the road: Lewis Hamilton

Hamilton has also already gained some experience in the film industry, having already filmed with Hollywood star Brad Pitt. The 39-year-old is also fascinated by fashion and always presents himself in style on race weekends. Whatever the future may bring, Hamilton is unlikely to get bored any time soon ...

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