Big twin meet

Braunau sees double in the hunt for the world record

16.04.2024 16:05

After last year's great success, Braunau is once again the venue for the international twin meeting. Up to 100 couples are expected in the last week of May. If they make it to a large dinner table together, they could even be entered in the Guinness Book of Records.

Into the Guinness Book of Records for the anniversary: that is Max Strafinger's plan. He is organizing the 40th International Twins Meeting from 25 May to 2 June. It is being held in Braunau for the second time in a row. This time, around 100 twins, mainly from German-speaking countries, will not only spend the week in the Entdeckerviertel doing lots of things together - the program ranges from various company tours and a carriage ride to an archery tournament, donkey driving lessons and tree planting.

Record attempt takes place on May 30
On May 30, they will also sit down together at a table more than 100 meters long to set a new world record. "It would be the longest twin table in the world," says Strafinger. He is optimistic. There are already around 70 registrations, with couples traditionally registering quite late. The sisters Sylvia Zach and Sonja Wölfl, who will be traveling to Braunau from near Altötting, have already confirmed their participation. "We've been taking part for many years and are really looking forward to seeing lots of good friends again," say the sisters.

Venue for 2025 still uncertain
It is still unclear whether the twin reunion will also take place in Braunau next year. "Currently, the planning for this year's event still has top priority. However, a decision will be made by the end of May. The twins always want to know where they will meet next year," says Strafinger.

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