Future in regions

First assessment after one year of the Tyrolean Climate Councils

14.04.2024 16:00

Since the beginning of last year, three climate councils in three Tyrolean regions have been developing proposals for a climate-friendly future. The recommendations range from mobility and agriculture to energy communities.

Whether in the municipalities of Volders and Wattens, Leutasch and Reith bei Seefeld or the KLAR! Kaunergrat municipalities of Fließ, Kauns, Kaunerberg, Kaunertal, Prutz and Faggen - committed people have been working everywhere for a year. Their goal: to develop concrete solutions based on the idea of the Austrian Climate Council in order to make the region more climate-friendly and sustainable.

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The three climate councils in Tyrol have developed practical measures that can improve the quality of life in their regions and help to protect our climate.

(Bild: Christof Birbaumer)

Klimaschutzlandesrat René Zumtobel

Around 20 people were selected for each of them. They have now been active for a year and have already been able to develop a number of measures and proposals. Climate Protection Councillor René Zumtobel is also delighted: "The three climate councils in Tyrol have developed practical measures that can improve the quality of life in their regions and help to protect our climate. Through their work, they are making a valuable contribution - also in terms of raising awareness locally."

Numerous projects implemented
The Climate Council for Wattens and Volders focused primarily on the expansion of the meeting zone in Wattens as well as attractive footpaths and cycle paths between the two municipalities. In addition, the meeting zone in Wattens was extended and the process for developing the village center was started. A sports facility between Wattens and Volders is soon to be redesigned with more green space

Using energy efficiently is the focus in the Seefeld region - also when it comes to mobility. (Bild: TVB Seefeld, Krone KREATIV)
Using energy efficiently is the focus in the Seefeld region - also when it comes to mobility.

In the Seefeld region, the focus is on energy efficiency. Last year, the "Energiegemeinschaft Seefelder Plateau" cooperative was founded to use the self-generated renewable electricity from a drinking water power plant and a large-scale PV system. In addition, the municipal council of Leutasch has adopted an environmental and energy promotion guideline.

Insight into a climate regulars' table of the KLAR! communities. (Bild: Klimarat KLAR! Kaunergrat)
Insight into a climate regulars' table of the KLAR! communities.

Food and agriculture
Raising awareness of climate protection and nutrition was the aim of the Climate Council of the KLAR! The program included four climate round tables with the population, which served to promote exchange and education. Further meetings are already planned, including a "field walk" with an organic vegetable farmer from the region.

 Tiroler Krone
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