Ott case

Forbidden weapon found with ex-FPÖ politician

13.04.2024 18:18

The first criminal files in connection with the investigations against Egisto Ott and Hans-Jörg Jenewein are now available - and they contain some explosive information. A prohibited weapon was found in Jenewein's apartment and a picture of objects with National Socialist connotations was found on his cell phone. The "Krone" knows the first details.

It is Saturday, September 11, 2021, and officers from the Federal Criminal Police Office are searching the home of Hans-Jörg Jenewein, the former member of the National Council and Freedom Party parliamentary group leader on the BVT investigative committee. As is known, smartphones, USB sticks, folders and other IT devices were confiscated.

In the twelve-page warrant for this house search issued by a Viennese public prosecutor, Jenewein is accused of inciting a long-standing BVT employee to abuse his office. The investigation is still ongoing. A BVT employee who has now, three years later, been arrested and is on everyone's lips - the alleged double agent Egisto Ott. The relationship between the two is to be scrutinized even more closely in the course of the ongoing U-committee on "red-blue" abuse of power.

How well did ex-agent Ott (right) and Jenewein know each other? A knuckleduster (symbolic image) was also seized from the ex-FPÖ politician. (Bild: Krone KREATIV, APA, Picturedesk)
How well did ex-agent Ott (right) and Jenewein know each other? A knuckleduster (symbolic image) was also seized from the ex-FPÖ politician.

To this end, the parties requested mountains of files, which were delivered late on Friday evening - and reveal the first explosive facts. For example, in connection with the house search in 2021. As can be seen from the files, a prohibited weapon in the form of a knuckleduster with a skull engraving/embossing was found in Jenewein's apartment, as well as pieces of ammunition that were suspected of having violated Section 50 of the Weapons Act.

Pictures were also found on his cell phone showing T-shirts and pennants which, according to Akt, "clearly reveal a National Socialist attitude". Jenewein had responded to the pictures sent to him with the words: "Very nice. A nice vacation souvenir" and a laughing emoji. Jenewein himself stated in the interview that he wanted to comment on the above-mentioned points in the form of a written statement, which is not available to the "Krone".

Jenewein and Ott are to be summoned to the U Committee in May. Until then, the parties will still have hundreds of files to sift through. It remains exciting and the presumption of innocence applies.

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