Tireless in action

Honors for four lifesavers with twelve legs

14.04.2024 10:01

Many people owe their lives to police dog handler Mario Druml and Conny Friesser from the rescue dog brigade. Now both, who share a love of their dogs and nature, have been honored by the state of Carinthia.

They have long deserved it - now Cornelia Friesser from the Austrian Rescue Dog Brigade has been awarded the Grand Decoration of Honor of the State of Carinthia and her friend, police dog handler Mario Druml, has been awarded the Cross of Honor for Lifesaving. Of course, rescue dog Ivo and police dog Cupido were also present at the ceremony at the Carinthian provincial government. The four-legged friends were given a Carinthian dog snack, because after all, the partners with the cold snouts make a significant contribution to the successes.

Mario Druml with Cupido, LH Peter Kaiser, Conny Friesser and Ivo. (Bild: Land Kärnten)
Mario Druml with Cupido, LH Peter Kaiser, Conny Friesser and Ivo.

More than 100 missions
Cornelia Friesser has been working for the Austrian Rescue Dog Brigade for almost 20 years. Her golden retriever Ivo is her third rescue dog. Friesser can look back on more than 100 missions and almost seven years as national director. "And we'll soon be getting another puppy, as Ivo will soon be going into his well-earned retirement at the age of ten," Friesser emphasizes.

Police dog Cupido and rescue dog Ivo. (Bild: zVg)
Police dog Cupido and rescue dog Ivo.
The dogs are also out hiking. (Bild: zVg)
The dogs are also out hiking.
Mario Druml with Ivo and Cupido. (Bild: zVg)
Mario Druml with Ivo and Cupido.
Conny Friesser with her Ivo. (Bild: zVg)
Conny Friesser with her Ivo.
Golden retriever Ivo is Friesser's third rescue dog. (Bild: zVg)
Golden retriever Ivo is Friesser's third rescue dog.

Woman saved from freezing to death
Police dog handler Mario Druml has been involved in dog sports since 1997 and a police dog handler since 2000. He looks back wistfully on his past service dogs, as he was successful with all of them. No burglar or drug dealer was safe from the Dutch Herder Uran. The Belgian shepherd Ebola also had the right nose when it came to drugs. His current working dog Cupdio saved an 84-year-old woman from freezing to death in January. He has now been awarded the Cross of Honor for this.

Thanks to colleagues and rescue organizations
"I've always searched for missing people with my dogs, and we've found more than 20. However, I owe my successes not only to my dogs, but also to the excellent cooperation with colleagues and rescue organizations," says the likeable police officer.

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