Access to the labor market

Free labor market access for Ukrainians decided

10.04.2024 16:00

Refugees from Ukraine will be able to obtain the Red-White-Red Card in future. This will give them free access to the labor market even after the current EU regulation expires in 2025. The displaced persons will probably have to meet the same requirements as all other applicants.

These include a net income of 1,200 euros plus just under 200 euros for each child and the ability to provide for their own housing needs. According to government figures, more than 12,600 people from the country have been working throughout Austria since the start of the war in Ukraine. In order to receive the Red-White-Red Card, they must have worked for at least one year in the past two years. According to current forecasts, this could apply to more than 7,000 Ukrainians.

The card is generally issued for three years - provided that the refugee has been in the country regularly for at least two years and has completed a module of the integration agreement. It can be extended at any time. The government spoke of additional prospects and an opportunity for sustainable integration.

From left: Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Minister of Finance Magnus Brunner and Minister of Labor Martin Kocher (Bild: APA/Helmut Fohringer)
From left: Minister of Social Affairs Johannes Rauch, Minister of Finance Magnus Brunner and Minister of Labor Martin Kocher

Low employment rate
According to Labor Minister Martin Kocher (ÖVP), the overall employment rate of displaced persons is rather low. 49,000 Ukrainians of working age are currently living in Austria, only some of whom are registered with the Public Employment Service or are currently undergoing training or further education. A permanent solution will be sought for groups who are unable to work for various reasons, announced Social Affairs Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens) on Wednesday.

Criticism came from organizations such as Diakonie, which sees no prospects for many people from Ukraine, such as women who are unable to work full-time due to childcare, illness or old age. Some, such as the Chamber of Commerce, believe that even more is needed, such as an obligation to make an effort to provide basic services.
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