Flight crew on strike

“Let’s not let AUA be ruined”

28.03.2024 15:47

AUA boss Annette Mann remains firm in the salary dispute with the union, but apologizes again to the passengers affected. Employee representative Roman Hebenstreit is also sorry for those affected and is prepared for a longer dispute.

There was a yawning emptiness in front of the AUA counters at Vienna Schwechat Airport on Thursday, as the 36-hour strike by the cabin crew began during the night, affecting around 400 flights and 50,000 passengers, some of whom are also in the federal states. "We will not simply allow our AUA to be destroyed by unrealistic demands after the hard work of building it up over the last few years," explained AUA CEO Annette Mann to the union, which is demanding a salary increase of up to 40 percent so that Austrian staff earn as much as their German colleagues.

The union once again called on her to reconsider her demands so that they could return to the negotiating table and reach a viable compromise for a successful and growing AUA in the long term.

AUA could lose routes to other Lufthansa subsidiaries
Excessively high wage settlements could lead to AUA being "rethought" - to put it positively - and Vienna being served by cheaper airlines from the Lufthansa Group in future. The future of AUA will ultimately be decided in Frankfurt.

They also feel obliged to the taxpayers. AUA has not forgotten that it was also Austrian taxpayers' money that ensured the company's survival and saved many thousands of jobs. Now the airline is on the threshold of finally being able to invest and grow sustainably again. Two long-haul aircraft will be added in the summer, and a twelfth Dreamliner could be brought to Vienna in 2025.

Mann apologized to the passengers affected, as did trade unionist Roman Hebenstreit, who is bracing himself for longer disputes. They were disappointed by the AUA board's statement and had expected an offer of talks. The union had "stretched out both hands" in the past few days and suggested alternatives for an agreement, but AUA had "thrown these hands away and made threats", said Hebenstreit. The workforce had made a "blatant contribution" to the good result of the company and the Lufthansa Group, the trade unionist said, explaining the demand for an equalization of wage levels. AUA is one of the most profitable airlines in the Lufthansa Group and yet is "treated like a low-cost airline".

According to the union, there is currently no date for further negotiations. The works council on board has scheduled a works meeting for next Thursday, April 4, at which the workforce will be informed about the current status of the negotiations.

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