Better to wait

Refueling is most expensive on Good Friday

28.03.2024 16:00

There's a lot going on on Austria's roads around Easter. Fuel prices usually rise too. But even on this weekend you can save money - the ÖAMTC explains how.

If at all possible, the car club advises not to fill up on Good Friday. This is because fuel costs between 3.5 and 5.5 cents more than on Easter Sunday or Easter Monday, according to a comparison of Easter fuel prices over the past four years. Although fuel generally becomes more expensive towards the end of the week, Good Friday stands out once again. If it can be arranged, it is therefore better to visit the filling station on another day.

Whether at Easter or at other times of the year, a comparison of filling stations can be worthwhile. Drivers can use the E-Control fuel price calculator to find the cheapest pumps in their area. Highway filling stations should be avoided in particular, as fuel costs up to 40 cents more here.

Gap between premium and diesel narrowed
At the moment, super drivers generally drive more cheaply. But the difference has narrowed. Overall, diesel has become 2.3 cents cheaper compared to February and now costs an average of 1.68 euros, while super has become 1.6 cents more expensive and now costs 1.61 euros.

A trip across the border only pays off in part. It is more likely to save money in the south. However, filling up in Croatia and Slovenia has also become more expensive again for tax reasons, although it is still slightly cheaper than in Austria.

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