After change of supplier

“Free of knowledge!” DFB rejects criticism from politicians

23.03.2024 11:25

DFB Managing Director Andreas Rettig has clearly rejected criticism from politicians regarding the German Football Association's controversial change of supplier from Adidas to Nike.

"I was very surprised to see politicians leaning so far out of the window in a populist way without any knowledge and, above all, without any facts. I have to be honest, this is a new quality," Rettig told the sports portal "ran". "Perhaps it would have been better to keep quiet on one or two occasions."

Two and a half months before the start of the home European Championships, the DFB surprisingly announced on Thursday that the contract with long-term partner Adidas would expire at the end of 2026 after more than 70 years. From 2027 until the end of 2034, the DFB will be kitted out by US rival Nike. Numerous politicians criticized this, with Germany's Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) saying that he would have "liked to see a bit more patriotism towards the location". Rettig criticized the fact that these statements were made without knowledge of the general conditions.

Mega sum beckons
According to a report in the "Handelsblatt" newspaper, citing industry circles, Nike's involvement with the DFB will cost more than 100 million euros per year. Adidas is said to have paid the association 50 million euros a year to date. The offers were "not even remotely comparable", said Rettig without giving specific figures. "We have a responsibility for many hundreds of employees, we have a responsibility for the regional associations, for the grassroots. That's why we can't be blamed for making such a decision in an economic situation."

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