Big Five affected

Rule changes to make ESC 2024 more exciting

12.03.2024 08:29

A few small rule changes should make the Eurovision Song Contest more exciting when it is held in Malmö. This was announced by the Swedish organizers. Among other things, this involves the performances of the five biggest sponsors Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Great Britain and the host nation.

All of these ESC nations have been automatically seeded for the final for decades in accordance with the statutes and do not have to worry about their progress in the semi-finals. This has not necessarily always been to their advantage, as they have only been able to perform once live in front of a TV audience. In most cases, it was precisely these countries that ended up far behind.

Appearances in semi-finals
Now these so-called Big Five will also be performing live in full in the two semi-finals. And in the middle of the other performances. Up to now, short video clips of them have been shown on the sidelines of the show.

Nevertheless, these acts are still certain to be in the actual final. Like hosts Sweden, Germany will perform out of competition in the first semi-final, as will the British. France, Italy and Spain will be performing live in the second semi-final.

"Fairer" for the big five
"We think it's fairer," said ESC manager Ebba Adielsson. "They now have the opportunity to be on stage 'for real'. This is also a benefit for the audience."

There are other changes too. On the evening of the final, the telephone vote and online voting will be activated directly at the start of the first performance this year, so that you can cast your vote directly under the impression of the live experience, instead of after watching clips in the second half of the show as before.

Another new feature: if you come from a country that is not taking part in the ESC, you can vote for almost 24 hours before the three shows begin.

The final of this year's ESC in Malmö will take place on May 11, with the semi-finals on May 7 and May 9. Germany's ESC hopeful Isaak will be there with his song "Always On The Run".
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