Trial in Eisenstadt

Denier of the state gets off lightly

07.03.2024 16:42

A vigilante court is supposed to kidnap and imprison politicians - an advocate of this theory is now sitting in Eisenstadt Regional Court, where he made some adventurous statements.

Value-free: Why steal seven hours of eight people's lives each so that they have to deal with an abstruse guy who they then sentence as a jury to two months conditionally?

Specific questions?
The 63-year-old was defiant. Unreasonable. Almost unruly at the Eisenstadt regional court. When the presiding judge Karin Lückl hurled accusations at the failed psychology student, the Burgenland native simply said: "Do you have any specific questions?"

The state of Austria is not recognized
He was there because he is said to have supported the "Staatenbund Österreich" as a member in 2017. This is an association that does not recognize the existence of the state of Austria. The "Staatenbund Österreich" sends out masses of threatening letters, denies state sovereign rights and is in favor of the introduction of vigilante courts - for example, politicians are to be kidnapped, detained and sentenced. Soldiers from the army are said to have been contacted in order to enforce this.

Of course, he only played a subordinate role in the association, said the emergency aid recipient. "And why were you there at all?" Mrs. Rat wanted to know. Snippy reply: "Others go to the bowling club." When asked whether he believed that Austria was still occupied, the accused said: "I don't know. There are so many statements on this subject."

Many observers were surprised that the trial took place at all. What if the defendant did not want to be checked by security at the entrance because he questioned their authority?

The 63-year-old now has three days to think about the two-month conditional sentence. The verdict is therefore not final,

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