"Needs measures"

Age of criminal responsibility: Edtstadler calls for talks

05.03.2024 14:08

Following the recently publicized abuse scandal involving a twelve-year-old in Vienna, Constitutional Minister Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP) has reiterated the need to discuss lowering the age of criminal responsibility. She shows no understanding for the fact that some people are already criticizing the idea.

"Despite a certain amount of expertise, I don't allow myself to make a final assessment before all stakeholders are involved. I know from my previous work as a judge that sometimes you can't do anything," said Edtstadler. "A bundle of measures is needed." The lowering of the sentencing age should also be considered.

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We are looking at different models and talking to those who deal with such cases, and these are the police officers.

Verfassungsministerin Karoline Edtstadler (ÖVP)

"We are looking at different models and talking to those who deal with such cases, and that means the police." The politician is bothered by the fact that "reflexively, when steps are taken, there is an immediate rejection".

"You can't go back to business as usual"
Speaking at a press conference in the German capital, the politician spoke of a "deeply shocking case". For this reason, a tightening of juvenile criminal law is being considered with the Minister of the Interior. "After a crime like this, you can't go back to business as usual, which is why we are working on proposals on how to deal with such cases in future."

Again and again, under-14s commit serious crimes, according to Edtstadler. In some European countries, the age of criminal responsibility is lower than in Austria. Ireland (13), Great Britain (13) and Switzerland (ten years) were listed, for example.

Bundle of measures necessary
However, she emphasized that it is not just about age: "The age of criminal responsibility is one thing." But on the internet, for example, there are "freely accessible violent videos that have no warnings". So we need a "holistic approach and considerations on how we can counteract this, create more transparency and involve parents". To this end, they are in contact with a canon of experts and will also provide information when there are meetings or results.

Kickl expresses incomprehension
The fact that the 17 suspects are at large, even those members of this "multicultural gang" who are older than fourteen, "nobody understands that", said FPÖ federal party chairman Herbert Kickl on Tuesday. The criminal justice system is thus leading itself ad absurdum. The victim must now expect to be able to meet her alleged tormentors at any time and the family is even afraid of their revenge. He also reiterated his call for the age of criminal responsibility to be reduced to under 14.

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