
Babler makes it clear: No upper asylum limit with the SPÖ!

02.03.2024 14:31

SPÖ federal party leader Andreas Babler clearly rejected the "asylum cap at zero" put forward for discussion by Tyrolean SPÖ chairman Georg Dornauer on Saturday. Such a position is "completely unthinkable" for him and "politically moronic", Babler emphasized.

According to Babler, Dornauer has already retracted the statement. He had also made it clear in talks with him that this was not the position of the SPÖ, Babler said. This should be made "very clear".

"Anyone can have a weak moment"
The topic will be discussed again at a working lunch on Saturday, it was said. Regarding the recent criticism of the Tyrolean deputy governor within the party, Babler said that Dornauer was "responsible for this himself" and must now "deal with it".

At the same time, the federal party chairman noted that "everyone can have a weak moment". Dornauer would also take responsibility for this, and that was the end of the matter for him.

Dornauer in line with Doskozil on asylum
Dornauer had recently distanced himself, at least in part, from Babler's course in terms of content. Tyrol's top Red Party member not only supported the upper asylum limit proposed by Burgenland's regional party leader Hans Peter Doskozil, but even went one step further: "You can even discuss with me whether the upper limit should not be zero for the coming years," he said in an interview with the "Standard".

On Friday, Dornauer stood by his statement and did not publicly retract it, but spoke of an "exaggerated formulation" at a press conference in Innsbruck. He had wanted to express "that you can literally discuss anything with me".

"I am a realist"
He is known for his "thoroughly pragmatic, restrictive" approach to the issue of migration and discusses "fundamentally without blinkers, bans on thinking and raised forefingers". Dornauer emphasized that his political opinion is therefore not a "zero border". Because: "I am a realist."

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An exaggerated formulation. I wanted to say that you can literally discuss anything with me.

Tirols SPÖ-Chef Georg Dornauer

Babler was in the provincial capital on Saturday as part of the SPÖ election campaign kick-off for the Innsbruck municipal elections on April 14. Dornauer did not take part in the lunchtime press conference at the party headquarters; he only joined in the afternoon at an event in the city center.

Innsbruck mayoral candidate backs Babler
However, the Innsbruck SPÖ mayoral candidate and city councillor Elisabeth Mayr, who recently criticized Dornauer, was very much on Babler's side. She admitted that she was not happy with the discussion about her party leader's asylum slogan: "Of course, this is not the most casual tailwind you can imagine." The focus should now be on Innsbruck again, Mayr hoped.

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