EU court:

Change of religion after flight not an abuse of asylum

29.02.2024 13:59

In the case of an Iranian who fled to Austria and enjoys subsidiary protection, the European Court of Justice has now issued a groundbreaking ruling. The man had converted to Christianity after fleeing and claimed in his asylum application, which was rejected, that he would be persecuted for his faith if he returned. However, the ECJ does not see this as an "abuse" of the right to asylum.

The man's first application had been rejected by the Austrian authorities. In the second attempt ("follow-up application"), the man argued that he had converted to Christianity in the meantime and feared that he would be persecuted in Iran as a result. The authorities then granted him subsidiary protection and a temporary residence permit, according to the ECJ's statement. He had credibly demonstrated that he had converted to Christianity out of "inner conviction" and was "actively living" the religion. He was therefore at risk of persecution in Iran.

Follow-up application with new circumstances not a blanket "abuse"
However, he was not recognized as a refugee as the reason for persecution (his Christian faith) had not yet existed when the man was still living in Iran. The ECJ disagrees: EU law does not allow the blanket conclusion "that every subsequent application based on circumstances created by the applicant himself after leaving the country of origin is due to an intention to abuse and to instrumentalize the procedure for the granting of international protection", according to the European judges.

Each case must be assessed individually. If the person can credibly demonstrate that they have changed their religion out of "inner conviction" and the "requirements for qualification as a refugee" are met, "refugee status should also be granted". The Administrative Court in Vienna must now take this ruling into account in its decision.
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