Unrest at F1 team

Alpine spat as a cockpit opportunity for Schumacher?

27.05.2024 06:41

Mick Schumacher is still hoping for a comeback as a regular driver in Formula 1. The chances are not so bad, especially at Alpine, as the contracts of the two drivers Esteban Ocon and Pierre Gasly expire at the end of the season, and the mood within the team is not exactly at its peak. Can a new driver bring peace?

"My goal and my dream is to drive in Formula 1. That has always been the case and it will always stay that way," Schumacher made clear once again during the Monaco GP. Until then, he wants to make a name for himself in Alpine's WEC team and as a reserve driver for Mercedes' Formula 1 racing team.

A deal with Alpine is an obvious choice, as the 25-year-old is already competing for the French team in another racing series. Especially as the current formation of the team is in a very bad way. Gasly and Ocon clashed once again in Monaco, with the two cars coming into contact on lap one - not exactly helpful for the already poor mood in the team.

"Great opportunity for Mick"
Which is also reflected in the results ... With one point each to their name, the French team continues to perform below expectations. New personnel could do the team good. Timo Glock thinks so too, the expert told Sky: "I think there is unrest between the two of them. Neither of them are happy with their current situation at Alpine. That's why there's a great opportunity for Mick. He simply has to try to continue to impress with his performances in the WEC and try to keep his foot in it, to show himself. That's the only way he can get into a cockpit next year. I hope so for his sake, he deserves it."

Mick Schumacher is currently working as a reserve driver for Mercedes. (Bild: APA/AFP/ANDREJ ISAKOVIC)
Mick Schumacher is currently working as a reserve driver for Mercedes.

Until then, the German will have to advertise for himself and hope that the two squabblers continue to get into each other's hair ...

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read the original article here.

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