"Krone" was on board

Despite Boeing accusations: AUA Dreamliner is safe

26.05.2024 20:04

AUA had to wait many years for the renewal of its long-haul fleet. Now the first new long-haul aircraft, the Dreamliner (OE-LPL), is in the air. The "Krone" was already on board and was able to take a close look at the Boeing 787-9 from Vienna to Morocco. It was also revealed why, despite numerous accusations against the Boeing manufacturer in the USA, it is safe to board AUA's aircraft.

The Boeing 787-9 has space for a total of 294 passengers and can reach a speed of around 1000 km/h. The Dreamliner is currently still dressed in white and waiting in the starting blocks in Schwechat. But why does this Boeing lack the Austrian livery, i.e. the red-white-red livery?

The "bird" is currently still dressed in white in Schwechat. Soon it will take off for New York. (Bild: zVg)
The "bird" is currently still dressed in white in Schwechat. Soon it will take off for New York.

"As the livery had to be decided at a time when there was still no collective bargaining agreement for the flying personnel and the growth plans were therefore at risk, it was decided to paint the aircraft white," explains Lara Maria Petritsch, press spokeswoman for Austrian Airlines.

"Vogel" to fly to New York in future
From June 15, the long-haul aircraft, which is almost 63 meters long and around 17 meters high, is scheduled to take off for New York.

The cockpit of the new Dreamliner (Bild: zVg)
The cockpit of the new Dreamliner

And there has been plenty of practice for this flight: A total of 845 flight attendant training sessions were held before the first flight. From February to August, around 66 Boeing 777 pilots will have to be trained for the 787.

Fuel savings of around 20 percent
A key point is also the reduction in CO2 emissions: "Thanks to improved aerodynamics and more modern engines, the Dreamliner will achieve fuel savings of around 20 percent compared to its predecessor models," says Klaus Schludnig, project manager for the 787 entry into service. This therefore represents an important step towards reducing CO2 emissions from air travel.

The "Krone" was able to take a closer look at the aircraft in the new Boeing on its way to Morocco. (Bild: zVg)
The "Krone" was able to take a closer look at the aircraft in the new Boeing on its way to Morocco.
View of Morocco from the cabin (Bild: zVg)
View of Morocco from the cabin

In addition to the joy over the two Dreamliners - the second aircraft is expected in mid-June - which have already been integrated into this year's summer flight schedule, the expansion of the fleet has been overshadowed by serious accusations against Boeing from the USA. The manufacturer is accused of having a deficient safety concept and defects in various aircraft types. However, the AUA spokesperson does not wish to comment on this.

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We have many processes in our system that allow us to identify risks and defects at an early stage, before they can even occur.

Klaus Schludnig, Projektleiter Einflottung 787

"It is clear that our Boeing fleet is checked, maintained and inspected above and beyond the legal requirements due to the high safety philosophy of the entire Lufthansa Group," emphasizes Petritsch.

Detecting defects before they occur
"We have many processes in our system that allow us to identify risks and defects at an early stage, before they can even occur. This is the case for all types of aircraft," Schludnig also assures "Krone". The project manager also emphasizes: "It is ensured at all times that the airworthiness of an aircraft is guaranteed." For the one or other globetrotter, the motto can therefore continue to be: get in, lean back and take off.

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read the original article here.

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