Haddaway, Logan & Co.

Forever young old stars rocked the Danube Island

26.05.2024 17:00

Samantha Fox, Haddaway, David Hasselhoff: the biggest music stars of the 80s and 90s came together at the Donauinsel Open Air at the weekend.

"Forever young" was the motto for the Donauinsel Open Air, which took place at the weekend. David Hasselhoff, Haddaway, Kim Wilde, Johnny Logan, Lutricia McNeal, Samantha Fox and many more. - they came to revive the 80s and 90s.

Stars up close: Johnny Logan among fans, to whom he signed autographs in high spirits. (Bild: STARPIX/A. TUMA/sta)
Stars up close: Johnny Logan among fans, to whom he signed autographs in high spirits.
McNeal performed at the 90s Open Air Festival on the Danube Island in Vienna on Saturday. (Bild: STARPIX/A. TUMA/sta)
McNeal performed at the 90s Open Air Festival on the Danube Island in Vienna on Saturday.
Lost suitcases didn't dampen her mood: Samantha Fox in front of the Hilton Danube Hotel. (Bild: STARPIX/A. TUMA/sta)
Lost suitcases didn't dampen her mood: Samantha Fox in front of the Hilton Danube Hotel.

The "Krone", met the old stars in front of the Hilton Danube Hotel, where they signed autographs for fans without make-up. Even Fox, who would have been forgiven for being in a bad mood due to her lost luggage, was in high spirits.

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